You will need to file a “Notice of Case Association.”

In order to do that:

1. Log-in to the eFile System
2. Click the button for Existing Case
3. Enter your case number and click the eFile button
4. Leave the Document Category blank
5. At the dropdown for Document Type scroll to the bottom and select “Notice of Case Association”
6. Then click the “Add” button next to Add to Submission
7. On the next screen, select your name then hit the “Next” button
8. Back on the document screen hit the “Next” button
9. On the Review screen hit the “Submit the Filing” button

This will give you all electronic notifications and allow you to view all documents on the case that have been eFiled in the last 60-90 days.

All other documents will be available through CaseLink* at

* CaseLink is a PAID service offered by the Circuit Court Clerk's Office. There is a $25 monthly fee to use this service with a month-to-month agreement.